Christmas Wishes

This is a verse that was given to me one year from a client and I have kept it and thought it was very appropriate for all of my wonderful family, friends and clients who have supported my business. I wish you all the most amazing Christmas with your family and friends. I hope you all get to share some beautiful food, have fun and make memorable moments.

I will be closed from 24th December until Tuesday 2nd January. I will then be away from the 10th to 19th January as I am off to New Zealand and then back to Sydney for dermaviduals symposium.  I will be away again 5th and 6th February for some Advanced IPL training. Until next time I see you, stay safe and enjoy the festive season. Greetings from Mary, Andrew, Emma, Nic and our fur babies Henry and Vodka. xo

Christmas Wishes List

There is a list of friends I know, collected on my phone or book
And every year at Christmas time I go and take a look,
And that is when I realize, these names are really part,
Not of the book or phone they’re written in, but of my very heart.

For each name stands for someone, who’s touched my life sometime,
And in that meaning they’ve become, “the rhythm of the rhyme”
I feel I am composed of each remembered name,
And while you may not be aware or feel the same,
My life is so much richer than it was before you came.

For once I have known someone, the years cannot erase
The memory of a pleasant word or a friendly face.
So never think my Christmas greetings are just a mere routine,
Of names upon a list that I’ve forgotten in between.
For when I send a Christmas greeting addressed to you,
It is because you’re one of those that I am indebted to.

And whether I have know you for many years or few,
In some way you have had a part in shaping things I do.
So every year when Christmas comes I realize anew,
The greatest gift that God could give, would be a friend like you.

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