December 2017 Newsletter

Christmas break, new products, final fundraiser, Christmas party, anti ageing treatments.

OMG where did the year go?
My last working day for this year will be Saturday 23rd December. I will then re-open Tuesday 2nd January. I will be away again from the 10th to 19th January and away again 5th and 6th February.
Our last anti ageing treatment days will be the 15th and 16th December.  These will resume 27th January, then 17th February, 17th March and 7th April.

Our final fundraiser and first Christmas party is this Saturday 16th December commencing at 7pm at Prospect Park sports club rooms off Harley Parade,( NOT the Italian Club or Harley Davidson).

We are supporting Ronald McDonald House. Admission is $5 and this will be donated to them. We will have live music, a bar (cash only) and some great prizes to win. I hope to see as many of my clients as possible attend.  Dress is optional, casual or you can dress up if you want to.  If you wish to bring your partner or children that is fine.  I just need a rough idea of number of people attending so if you are going to join us for a fun filled night please text me on 0438311297 to let me know.

A small plate of food to share if you have time but that’s not a priority as it’s a busy time of the year.
Pictured below are a couple of prizes you could win.

New Products
This year I decided to stock Moo Goo, A Bit Hippy, Dusty Girls make up,  Dr. Zoo pet care products  and No Pong deoderant.   I wanted products that contain no nasty toxic ingredients that would go with my dermaviduals range of skin care.  I am frequently doing cosmetic analysis of skin care ingredients and there is so much false marketing our there.  It’s called marketing bullshit.  Some of the words you will see is dermatologically tested, fragrance and paraben free, for sensitive skin or even extra sensitive skin, (seriously is there a difference?) A lot of products marketed for acne actually will make the skin worse and contribute to more acne. Some of the worst products I have seen are Ego Q.V, Dermaveen, Nivea and Neutreogena, Dettol hand wash, Clearasil, Garnier and Palmolive body wash. My business is now your one stop shop for all your skin care needs with no toxic ingredients.  With everything from your face and body washes, deodorants, moisturizers, toothpaste, sunscreens, sunless tanners, eye creams, serums, tonics and make-up.  A Bit Hippy is the vegan range and is becoming very popular with clients.

No Pong has been a best seller from day one. Made by a nurse who is a midwife and wanted a deodorant that was safe to use.  Made from coconut oil, bicarb soda and essential oils its a paste you apply to your under arms and it reduces your sweating and stops odour.  She also made one with clay for those who are sensitive to bicarb soda.  Remember what you put under your pits can affect your tits. Click on the blue links to see more about all of these fantastic products and please consider shopping here next time for all of your skin care needs.  If you wish to come and buy some products just text me on 0438311297 to make a time when I am not busy with a client.

Merry Christmas
Thank you all for your amazing support of my small home based business.  With such amazing clients I don’t have to spend any money on marketing which means I can keep my treatments affordable.  Word of mouth is certainly a very effective marketing tool and wow you people do it well with all of your recommendations, Facebook ratings and reviews, Instagram posts all help me to get my business out there. I am in the midst of updating my web page with all of the new products but with Christmas fast approaching, clients to treat, anti ageing days to organise, newsletter to write, stock to order the days go by too fast. And in my spare time I have been making my own lip balms using coconut oil, beeswax, Vitamin E and Rosehip oil.  These are very popular and I have made over 300 of them so far.  My other project has been making fizzy toilet cleaners or Dunny Drops as I call them. ( Bicarbonate soda, Citric Acid, essential oils and water.)  Just let me know if you want any of the recipes.
I wish for you all to have a blessed Christmas filled with fun, family time, make beautiful memories and appreciate how lucky we all are.  To those who have lost loved ones and find this time of the year especially hard my thoughts and prayers are with you to experience some joy at this time of the year.
Stay safe and I look forward to seeing old clients and meeting more new ones next year.  Remember our Christmas party this Saturday if you can make it as I would love to see you there. Even if you just pop in to say hello.

And that’s my last newsletter for this year.

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