February 2021 News

For those of you who are not on social media such as Facebook and Instagram this year is a year of many changes for myself. Some of you may not be aware but Andrew and I separated last year and he now lives in Queensland. It is quite amicable and we wish each other all the best for our future years. I have stayed in our home and continue to run my business here with Rachel’s help on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and some Saturdays. I go line dancing on a Tuesday and Thursday mornings. If you need to pick up products or change an appointment in those times please contact Rachel on 0409974852.


I gave up drinking alcohol over 6 months ago for personal reasons and I have gotten back into my fitness and taken up running. https://www.parkrun.com.au/   I decided to take up Park runs which are free community events held all over the world on a Saturday morning and you can either walk or run the 5kms depending on your fitness level.  All you need to do is register then turn up on the day, check in and run/walk the course. I was a runner in my younger years and I have been able to complete 4 runs in under 30 minutes with my best time so far being 24.56 minutes.  I recommend buying the appropriate running shoes and socks but that is the only cost involved as it does not matter what clothes you wear as long as you are comfortable. I always wear my sunscreen and when possible my hat and Solbari UPF 50 clothing. https://www.solbari.com/


All of these things I am doing for my mental and physical health. A healthy body and mind are essential for a healthy life. I am still doing an occasional nursing shift at our private hospitals.


As for my beautiful children Emma is now working in theatre at the Gold Coast University hospital. No doubt she will gain a lot of experience and is enjoying the experience.


Nic is still working at JB HIFI and Simba is often here to meet and greet all of our clients along with Henry and Vodka.


We are very excited to share with you all some fantastic news, if you have not already heard, we will now be offering to our wonderful clients old and new the following specialised treatments, we have just recently completed our training, so if you have any minor skin irregularities such as Telangiectasia (Surface Capilliaries) or commonly known as Spider Veins, Warts, Solar Keratosis, Skin Tags, Cherry Angiomas, Milia, or Cholesterol Deposits, we are now treating all of these concerns with minimal discomfort, no downtime, and lesser of a risk of scarring. These treatment prices will start at $85, If you have any questions in regards to these conditions do not hesitate to contact us and we can provide you with more information.


We will still be offering all of our other amazing treatments such as our  skin consultations, our relaxing LED Light therapy in the healing EMF blanket, our bespoke treatment facials, customised to your skin concerns, collagen induction therapy, IPL hair removal, beauty treatments, skin checks, botox and anti aging treatments with our wonderful Dr Hoyle who specialises in dermatology. Mary will also be getting back into offering her Scenar pain management treatments. Dermaviduals Sunscreen SPF 30+ is unavailable at this stage, we were informed that it is being reformulated, however the Sunscreen SPF 15+ is still available to purchase, this gives you 93.3% protection as opposed to the SPF 30+ which is 96.7 % protection, What this means is you will have to reapply it more often, for instance, if your burn time is 10 minutes 10 x 30 = 300 minutes, or 10 x 15 = 150 minutes. We will keep you updated with when this will be back in stock.


Thank you all for your ongoing support of my business. I will celebrate 10 years in business on the 21st April and I could not have done this without you all.


If you feel inclined please leave a review on Facebook or Google. Until I see you again stay safe, wear your sunscreen, be sun smart and have regular skin checks.


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