March 2017

Well somehow I blinked and missed February. Now we are in March and Easter will be here before we know it. Easter this year is Friday 14th until Tuesday 18th April so my business will be closed for this period.

Supporting Launceston feeding the homeless.
For those of you who are not on Facebook, a wonderful lady called Kirsten started feeding the homeless 6 nights a week at Royal Park from 7 to 8 pm every night except for Saturday.  She asks for food and sometimes clothing donations. They have a barbecue each evening and are given some food for the next day. How amazing is this?  The support from local people and businesses has been fantastic.  From now until Saturday 8th March I am asking my clients if they wish to support this cause to drop off donations of non-perishable food, toiletries, washing liquid etc.  In just a few days this is what we have to give so far. Everyone who donates will go in a draw to win some great prizes including an Easter hamper, a facial, some wine from Sharman’s wines and some SCENAR therapy treatments from the lovely Rebekah at SCENAR Therapy Tasmania.  For more information about these please click on the links.

Here are a couple of prizes you could win by donating here to help Launceston feeding the homeless. A dermaviduals pack with a bag, beach towel, face tonic, sun screen and a lip balm.  The other is a food and goodies hamper.  These will be drawn on Saturday 8th March and winners notified.

Our next dates for these treatments are Saturday 18th March, 8th April, 13th May and 10th June.  These days are always very popular so if you would like an appointment please book in with me.

For any of you that have been here and experienced a facial or Collagen Induction Therapy, you will know that I include LED treatments with them.  This is because of the increased penetration of products into your skin and the healing effect of Light emitting Diodes.

This is something I don’t like seeing on my clients or anyone for that matter.  A sunburn is a sign of sun damage. You will still tan when wearing a sunscreen and by doing this, you are reducing your risk of developing a skin cancer or worse, a melanoma. The diagnosis of these is increasing every year and melanomas are appearing in younger people. On overcast, cloudy days it is easy to think that you won’t get burnt because there is no sun. This is normally when people get burnt the worse because they are not feeling the sun’s bite.  So please remember to wear your sunscreen, a hat and preferably protective clothing and seek shade when you can. Sun and smoking are two of the biggest ageing factors, so don’t leave it until you are older and want anti ageing treatments, look after your skin while you are young and you will age better.  If you do get sun burnt remember I have Lotion M in stock to treat it with.
My other reminder is please remember to check your breasts regularly.  If you notice any changes get it checked and if you still have concerns follow it up.  This is another disease that more of my clients and friends are being diagnosed with.  If you need to cancel or change an appointment just send me a text.  We all lead busy lives so it is not a bother to me and I don’t charge a cancellation fee.  I may need to change your appointment some time.

Thank you to everyone that keeps supporting and recommending my business to your family and friends. Thank you for the amazing support you all give to our chosen charities also.
Remember don’t be hairy, come see Mary

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