Merry Christmas 2020

Firstly a big congratulations to Rachel who has now completed her IPL training and Laser Safety certificate.  She will be doing treatments under my supervision to start with and will then be doing IPL treatments on her own once she is confident. I have total trust in this amazing lady and this will enable me to have some more Mary time in 2021.  If anyone does NOT feel comfortable with Rachel doing your treatment please let me know. I will still be here and understand that some people will only want me to do your treatments and that is fine. I will still be here.
Please make a note of Rachel’s mobile number 0409974852 in case you are unable to make contact with me. Remember I go line dancing Tuesday and Thursday mornings for my ‘dementia prevention” exercise, socializing and Mary time.

This year has seen many of us face a lot of challenges and I personally have had some very trying times and changes in my personal life. Through all of this I continue to grow and learn.

I thank you all for your amazing support, recommendations and reviews that you leave for us.  This is truly a huge boost for my business. Remember word of mouth is the best recommendation and advertising for a business which enables me to keep my costs down to pass on to you.

Please remember when you come to the front door that Rachel may be doing a facial and I ask everyone to please keep their voices down and I have to remember to be quiet at reception.

The Launceston Women’s Shelter was very grateful for the donations that you lovely people kindly donated.
Elf on the Shelf was very pleased to see so many bags donated as well. Have you seen on Facebook and Instagram what mischief he has been getting up to?

Christmas Break


We hope you have a restful break and we look forward to seeing you again in 2021.

Mary and Rachel will be finishing up for a lovely Christmas break on Wednesday 23 December and will be back Tuesday January 5 for all of your skincare needs and treatments.

Please note that Rachel offers waxing, tinting, manicures and pedicures here so make sure you book your appointments in so you are looking gorgeous for the new year.


Anti-ageing dates with our fantastic doctor who specialises in Dermatology. These are the next dates. I thank you all for your support and for recommending your friends to come here for treatments. He performs anti wrinkle treatments and fillers and can also perform skin checks if required.

19th & 20th December
16th January
13th February
13th March

All bookings are made through my business. If you’d like an appointment please contact me on 0438 311 297.

Lastly to finish this year and to celebrate with some of our gorgeous clients we are hosting a gathering here this Saturday 19th December from 4pm.  Its casual dress, BYO a plate of food and your own drinks. Please feel free to pop in and say hello, we would love to see your face.

I am now celebrating 5 months alcohol free so I will only be drinking water.  With my savings I sponsored an Orangutan in Borneo.  Her name is Mary. She is 2 years old. It only costs $140.00 for a year so maybe that is a gift you could consider as a present for someone.

Have a freaking awesome, fabulous festive season.  Rachel and I look forward to seeing your beautiful faces in 2021 and sharing more laughs, hugs and stories.
Stay safe, stay happy, make amazing memories.  Always be kind.  You never know what someone may be going through in their life.

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